Chevy Avalanche Chrome Delete

I deleted the chrome trim pieces near the rockers on my 2013 Chevy Avalanche.


I love my 2013 Chevy Avalanche, but it is unfortunate that GM chose to commemorate the final year of the Avalanche with extra chrome. Most trucks, particularly the higher trim levels, have too much chrome for my taste, but GM went overboard even by top trim truck standards when they taped chrome cladding along the sides of the truck down near the rocker panel.

Too much chrome!

Removing the Chrome Trim

YouTube videos make this process look easy. And to be honest, when removing smaller things it can be easy. But pulling these huge chrome pieces off was sort of a nightmare. When you are removing trim you are usually removing plastic. These chrome pieces, however, are metal so they don’t easily want to pry or move or do anything.

After trying a lot of things, I finally settled on the caveman method. I heated the end of the trim with a heat gun, dug some fishing line behind one end to get it started, and pulled it away from the truck until it bent enough I could get my fingers on it. Pulling the fishing line along the truck behind the trim like you’re supposed to didn’t work at all for me. The fishing line just kept breaking. When I doubled it up to be sure it didn’t break, my fingers couldn’t take the pressure of trying to pull it even with gloves on. The trim piece is just too wide.

The Caveman Method of Trim Removal

So enter the caveman. With a grip on the end, I pulled on it until it wouldn’t come off anymore. I then put the heat gun on it to warm up the next foot or so and pulled again until it stopped again. Then I heated the next section and so on until it was off. I was worried I was going to pull the paint right off the truck, but frustration pushed me onward until I was left with this:

The chrome trim did make an interesting art piece!

The Result of Deleting the Chrome Trim

Fortunately for me, everything turned out fine. The chrome came off, and it actually took a lot of the tape with it so the adhesive clean-up wasn’t too bad. Some WD-40 and shop towel removed most of it. There was one section that required the eraser wheel, but the rest was easy. And I must say, I think the truck looks way better without it.

It wasn’t easy, the chrome trim is finally off.